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Cory's Portfolio

I'm a PayPal Engineer based in Chicago. While I currently work in Fintech, I am a trained musician with a passion for gaming. I would love for the next step in my carreer to be a movement into the video game industry as a developer. And eventually I'd love to make my way from there into a position as Music Director/Composer for video games!

About the Site:

I built this page to both showcase my web development skill and to use as a sandbox for various projects. It is a Ruby on Rails webapp currently deployed on Heroku, but I have plans to move to AWS moving forward.

This site features both web development projects and game projects. It also will showcase some of the music I've composed.


I am currently looking for new positions as a software engineer/ web developer. Remote is preferred but opportunity is not a lengthy visitor—I am open to a hybrid model in Chicago for the right role. Please feel free to check out my Linkedin below for my full employment history and ways to get in touch with me!

© 2022–2024 Cory Davis. All rights reserved.